Becoming an author

KROKBRAGD Contemporary Weaver With Colour by Angie Parker

On January 28th 2025, I officially became the published author of KROKBRAGD – CONTEMPORARY WEAVING WITH COLOUR. A niche book about weaving this Scandinavian boundweave technique.

I am writing this, on 10 February – the first real opportunity to let it sink in.

Image of the new krokbragd book by angie parker

Any romantic childhood notions of what ‘being an author’ might entail were instantly bulldozed by a fabulously real and rather frantic few days. Whilst I might once have imaged the writers’ life to be sipping on Kir Royales, nibbling canapes, wearing marabou kitten heel slippers and a silk dressing gown, in a Barbara Cartland fashion, I did in fact spend 17 hours a day packing and carting books to the DPD drop-off at the corner shop.

On the day my book was released I got a congratulatory email from The Crowood Press, my publishers inquiring if I’d be celebrating the occasion with a glass of something fizzy (they were all for the romantic version too, it seems).

No, publishers, I didn’t do that on release day. Not because I don’t think it’s worth celebrating; I do. But because I was delighted to have pre-sold almost 250 before the publication date. With new orders coming in by the hour, over 250 copies needed to be packed and posted to the eager recipients who had been patiently waiting. Ideally, before I then had to teach a two-day weaving workshop at the weekend. This was way beyond the ‘best case scenario’ I’d dared to image.

A pallet with 300 books arrives in BS3 and it didn’t rain.
My books…and a race against the clock to get them posted to their owners.

I’d estimated that it would take 5 minutes to process and print the labels and to pack each parcel. Approximately 20 hours of work. I misjudged that massively….(or rather, I forgot to include breaks and interruptions).

I am still worshiping the printer for rising to this impressive challenge.

There are around 34 steps to process each order, including filling in customs forms and the new country-specific GPSR labels, though luckily my teen-elves got on board with the packaging when they weren’t in school. There is also a lot of cross-checking order details to help to prevent any mistakes and I must have seen the name of everyone who ordered a dozen times during the process. Each name feels like a familiar old friend (which some are, admittedly!).

And thank you elves who know exactly what to do whenever I fill the table with signed copies.

To keep my feet on the ground during this rather busy few days, my wing man/husband had just had hernia surgery and was on total bed rest (I was the worst nurse ever), the builders continued to work on the new home extension, the seam textile collective were on the final week of our Crowdfunder, and the eldest Parkerette had a driving theory test which somehow managed to involve a three-hour round trip in the middle of my busiest work day. (They passed).

Despite the everyday hurdles, I did manage to post 85% of the pre-orders within 36 hours, and 100% in less than 3 days. I can’t remember the last time I felt so tired, and I will be eternally grateful to our domestic printer for not playing up and rising to the challenge of approximately 700 print-outs!

One of six drop off’s over 3 days, and I’ve not been banned from any corner shops…yet.

So what is the book that has been winging its way around the country and globe all about?

It’s a detailed exploration of KROKBRAGD, the traditional Scandinavian weaving technique which I’ve been obsessed with for over 30 years and which has been at the heart of my weaving business.

In the book I share everything I know on the subject with over 400 photographs and numerous patterns and examples for inspiration.

One advantage of life and work being particularly busy is that I didn’t have a second to dwell on the jitters that go hand in hand with launching such a book into the world. By the time I had a moment to catch my breath, the feedback from recipients had started to filter through, and thankfully they were reassuring.

Here’s what readers are saying:

“I just received your beautiful book.
What a pleasure to initially skim through it and see all the photos and detail.
This book is so much more than I expected. 
There was obviously a lot of hard work to produce this and I thank you for that.
I’m sure I will be using this book enormously to guide me through my rug weaving.”

Janet, Santa Fe

“Mine arrived today – so lovely!
A wonderful mix of technical instructions and inspirational photos.”

Clare, UK

“Your book is spectacular Angie. It was a late Xmas present from my wonderful OH, as requested! The photographs of your brilliant weavings are truly inspiring, and to share your knowledge and tips with us is a very honorable step in helping us to improve our weaving skills on Krokbragd and rug making. So thank you!”

Sandy, UK

“Your beautiful book arrived today. It’s really gorgeous and full of so much wonderful information. The images and colour are stunning.”

Adah, USA

“Got my copy today. This book is a wonderful work of art itself, before I’ve even sat at my loom to try my first krokbragd weave! Congratulations on this beauty. I’ve been waiting for this kind of book for a long time.”

Gillian, UK

In all the busy-ness of life and work I’ve yet to formulate a slick marketing plan or launch party for the book, but I’m ready to start now that it is out in the world. An exhibition is booked at MAKE SW in August-Sept but the online course, workshops and book promo/demonstrations are still very much in the planning stages and making their way to the top of my list of things to do.

All the new workshop dates will be shared to my newsletter subscribers, so make sure you’re signed up to be the first to hear.

For now though, i think it really is time to drink something fizzy, and maybe weave some contemporary krokbragd… Know any books about this?

And yes…I did finally get to raise a glass to all the lovely people who’ve bought a copy of my book. THANK YOU!

KROKBRAGD – Contemporary Weaving With Colour is available now from all UK booksellers and signed copies from

Would you like 2 tonnes of wool with that?

When the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to purchase the entire contents of the Collingwood rug weaving workshop came up, my gut instinct, without much hesitation, was to snap it up.

Admittedly, the UK’s most prominent and successful rug weaver, Jason Collingwood, announced his retirement a little sooner than I had expected. I wasn’t quite ready, but it was only a ‘small’ matter of logistics.

I simply had to move three full-size looms, all the additional equipment, and approximately 2 tonnes of yarn from Nayland in Colchester, to my shared studio space in Bristol. Only that! Oh, and the sampling loom made from a piano! Fortunately, the reality has allowed this to happen in stages, so much less overwhelming.

Three looms in the Collingwood workshop-Nayland. Photo: Theo Rooden


There were signals from the onset that this was the right move.

Firstly, I’d set my heart on one day owning the Harrisville shaft switching loom after weaving a rug on it in 2014. I voiced this intention at the time, and possibly a few times since, which put me at the top of the list when Jason decided to sell up. (Does anyone reading know if there are any more of these looms in the UK?)

The fact that I could make the figures work was obviously the biggest factor.

Initially, I expected to move my workshop to new premises for more space. However, in a serendipitous twist, the two adjoining spaces in my studios became available (was it something I said?), and I was able to expand without having to move.

It’s a bit of a squash and a squeeze and it certainly ain’t ‘Instagram pretty’, but it’s working for me and I love being at BV Studios. I can walk to work and it’s filled with so many amazing artists and friends.

Closing a chapter and cobwebs

The move is taking longer than originally estimated, but personally, I think this is better than an abrupt end to this chapter. There’s so much weaving history and some incredible cobwebs in The Old School and I’m conscious to be respectful of what came before. Two more trips should cover it though and I’ll miss my 24-hour mini-breaks driving a white van.

In the meantime, I’m knuckling down to some intense core strengthening and some hardcore rug weaving. And whilst I’ve no inclination, nor the skill set to emulate the prolific business model used by the looms previous owners, I do have productivity targets that require an improved level of stamina and endurance. (Note to self-Time to Plank).

Insane or savvy?

And the wool… Yes, let’s not gloss over the wool-shaped elephant in the room. A wise friend advised me not to go near it, but I’m trusting my gut instincts as they’ve served me well so far, and a deal’s a deal.

One section of the wool storage in the Collingwood workshop.

That said, my inner critic is screeching expletives on a regular basis about the ridiculous amount of yarn I’ve just transported across the country. Luckily, my inner advocate is louder, and I’m reminding myself that I now have the option to grow my business without buying new raw materials…ever again!

I’ll also try to sell what I don’t need over the coming months so drop me a line if you’re in the market for some good quality sustainable wool.

Life is a fairytale…by the brothers Grimm. Illustration: Vera Southgate

Yes, right now I feel I’m playing all the key roles in a weaving version of Rumpelstiltskin, although fortunately, no infants need to change hands in return for weaving this heap of wool into rugs.

There’s plenty more to share about my plans for this unusual business move. It feels nuts to be surrounded by more wool than I’m ever likely to weave, and so many looms.

However, it also feels right that this special collection of looms is staying together for the time being, and I’m looking forward to the time when I can open my studio doors for other weavers to use them, while I (to coin someone else’s phrase), pick up the baton to take on the world…one rug at a time. That should be shuttle really, shouldn’t it?

Angie Parker Phtoto: Alice Hendy Photography

Angie Parker is a weaver, designer, and colourist, based at BV Studios in Bristol. She trained in rug weaving in the 1990s and started her textile practice 8 years ago. Subscribers to her newsletter are the first to see new designs and also get access to special offers and exhibition news. Sign up here to keep in the loop.

Bristol Weaving Mill and Angie Parker Textiles

A micro-mill based in the heart of Bristol

Did you know that Bristol has a weaving mill?

Not only that, but a weaving mill that specialises in niche cloth production and that is a short walk from the City centre, (and conveniently for me, a 20 minutes walk from my studio).

I first heard about it when it was still a concept in 2014. I was a delegate at the ‘Loom’-A Textile Seminar, as part of the Stroud International textiles program. Chaired by Helen Foot, the seminar brought together a panel of contemporary weavers to discuss their woven production methods and how it affects their practices. The audience was a who’s who of established and emerging weavers, and the impressive lineup of speakers included Kirsty McDougall of Dashing Tweeds, and Franki Brewer, and Juliet Bailey, from renowned textile design studio Dash and Miller amongst others.

This was the first time I heard Franki and Juliet, the founders of Bristol Weaving Mill (BWM), talk about their dream and vision of creating a space where innovative fabric design could embrace traditional manufacturing processes. The result is a micro-mill based in the heart of Bristol which opened its shutters in 2015 and has since gone on to create some of the most exclusive, bespoke, and experimental fabrics imaginable for the international fashion and interior industries.

The first power loom in Bristol for 100 years

With such an amazing resource right on my doorstep, it’s no surprise that I’ve been waiting for the perfect opportunity to work with this dynamic team since setting up my business. What I didn’t expect was that the perfect project would come about because of COVID-19. (More about that here).

Creating my new product with BWM during this global pandemic was remarkably straightforward. In part because of the location, but mainly because they are such a bloomin’ fabulously lovely, talented, and professional team. With safety at the forefront of our minds, most of the initial production planning was carried out via email, phone and zoom, as it would have been if I lived further away. But one huge difference was the rather happy coincidence that Rowenna, the Product Development, and Sales Manager, lives four minutes walk from my front door. Having the opportunity to meet face to face on those sweltering sunny days, even if it was in the street, was hugely beneficial when working through the samples and fine-tuning how to translate my handwoven designs to a power loom. As we didn’t have to rely on the postal service, it saved us days. I think we’ll all agree that as much as we’ve embraced the benefits of technology, nothing beats a real-life chat.

Inspiration for the new design was found in the colourful houses of Bristol which were saw on our daily walks during lockdown.
Inspiration for the new design was found in the colourful houses of Bristol which we saw on our daily walks during the lockdown.

I’m delighted to reveal the new collection and The Bristol Blanket woven in partnership with the BWM. The design for this luxurious and soft blanket is inspired by the colourful houses of Bristol which became a familiar and uplifting backdrop to our daily walks during the lockdown. (More about the inspiration here). The micro collection of handwoven rugs, woven art panels, and samples created in my workshop have informed the final design, and I love that we have a product that is typically Angie Parker, and typically Bristol! Head over to my online shop to discover more.

Angie Parker Phtoto: Alice Hendy Photography

Angie Parker is a weaver, designer, and colourist, based at BV Studios in Bedminster. She trained in rug weaving in the 1990s and started her textile practice 6 years ago. Her latest collection of handwoven designs and small batch-produced textiles has been launched ahead of schedule in September 2020. Subscribers to her newsletter are the first to see new designs and also get access to special offers and exhibition news. Sign up here to keep in the loop.

The Bristol Blanket

It’s a Bristol thing……

Inspired by Bristol and woven in partnership with Bristol Weaving Mill.

The Bristol Blanket. Photo: Article Studio

In the Spring of 2020, like many people, I reshuffled my life and business to fit with the changing shape of living through a pandemic. Planned teaching and usual selling opportunities had slipped away and I had to find a different way to sustain my business and reach my customers, (as well as the added bonus of being a less than adequate home school teacher to our three children).

It was an interesting and sometimes challenging transition, but one that I’m thankful for, especially in light of so many livelihoods that simply don’t have the option of adapting to fit new regulations. And out of this shake-up came the opportunity to action a plan that had been waiting in the wings for the right moment. Enter stage right: The Bristol Blanket

The decision to produce the blanket with Bristol Weaving Mill wasn’t really a decision at all on my part. As I saw my handwoven designs, inspired by the Bristol houses, develop on my sampling loom and in my sketchbooks, it became obvious who I had to work with on this project. Click on the links to read more about the production journey and the inspiration in these additional blog posts.

Bristol Weaving Mill.

I’ve continued to weave a limited number of commissioned rugs and art panels throughout the year and was also able to weave the capsule collection, pictured below, to support the new blanket design. In the midst of so much uncertainty in the news, the sessions at the loom were refreshingly grounding and I never take for granted that half my job is to focus on the calming rhythmic process of weaving. That said, it’s been quite full-on, and seeing this project come together during the photo-shoot with the superb Article Studio was quite a momentous day after months of planning.

The Bristol Blanket Collection. Photo: Article Studio Furniture: Timberwoolf

Five feel-good things I’d like you to know about The Bristol Blanket

The design is inspired by Bristol’s colourful houses, which brightened up our daily walks during the lockdown in the Spring. Read more here

It is woven in partnership with Bristol Weaving Mill. A renowned micro mill in the heart of my home city of Bristol, specialising n innovative design. Read more here

The optimistic colours in this sumptuous 100% lambswool blanket are designed to lift your spirits and bring warmth and joy to your home, and it is so soft. (I provide samples for those who prefer to feel the quality of a textile product before they invest. Drop me a line if you’d like to receive one).

The design reflects the connections with our neighbours and local community which for many were strengthened during the lockdown. As an artist, I wanted to design a collection that echoed the special bonds that formed from the shared experiences, in the hope that we continue to strengthen them and support each other.

For every blanket sold, 10% of the profit will go to MIND- the mental health charity.

I’m delighted to launch The Bristol Blanket ahead of schedule and hope I can help to bring warmth and joy to more people this winter. Drop me a line if you have any questions and head over to my online shop to check out this uplifting new design from my Bristol studio.

Inspirational streets of Bristol. Photo: Vicky White Photography
The Bristol Blanket. Image Article Studio. Bed: Timberwoolf
The Bristol Blanket Photo: Article Studio
Angie Parker. Photo: Alice Hendy Photography

Angie Parker is a weaver, designer, and colourist, based at BV Studios in Bedminster. She trained in rug weaving in the 1990s and started her textile practice 6 years ago. Her latest collection of handwoven designs and small batch-produced textiles has been launched ahead of schedule in September 2020. Subscribers to her newsletter are the first to see new designs and also get access to special offers and exhibition news. Sign up here to keep in the loop.