KROKBRAGD Contemporary Weaver With Colour by Angie Parker


How can you tell when a non-writer is writing a book? Take a look in their kitchen cupboards. (They’re likely to be suspiciously tidy!)

As part of a 2014 business training program by The Crafts Council, I was asked to write a list of career aspirational goals beyond my wildest dreams. Writing a book about krokbragd was not on that list!

However, ten years later…

Like most non-authors, writing a book on the topic I’ve been passionate about for over 30 years was something that sat in the periphery of my consciousness, alongside things like running a marathon, mastering the piano, and sustaining a crop of tomatoes. Challenging and fulfilling things things that I most likely won’t get around to in this lifetime.

But when I was asked by The Crowood Press publishers at the beginning of 2022 if I would write a book for them, the flattery overcame any resistance and I agreed to deliver 50,000 words and images by February 2024. This would give me two years from the start of the conversations. Ages! I’ll have it done in eighteen months…easily!

It turns out that I’m with Douglas Adams when it comes to deadline, as he famously retorted,

“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by”.

Yes, the plan of suggesting a long lead time with the intention of delivering early was the sort of line that could win a prize at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival for it’s ‘laugh out loud’ sheer idiocy. How a woman in her fifth decade still hasn’t accepted that tasks will always grow to meet the deadline is the second most surprising thing about this book. The first, is that it did in fact get finished as is now available to order through my website. Yes, I actually did it!

Image of the new krokbragd book by angie parker
KROKBRAGD – CONTEMPORARY WEAVING WITH COLOUR. Actually existing beyond the million files in my long suffering and now unrepairable laptop.

Writing the book was an interesting experience and I enjoyed most of it. I took some advice from writer friends and focused on small chucks and tried to be disciplined. (Well, apart from a bit of Tupperware sorting on occasion). The book itself follows a popular formula covering history, equipment, materials, technical skills, inspiration, planning design, colour, rugs, applications and projects. Actually finishing the book and getting it in the right shape to deliver to the designer, however, was a whole different skill-set and not one that was suited to my ad-hoc methods of working. But; I persevered, asked for help when I got stuck, and eventually the final red line went through the last item on the seemingly never-ending to-do list. The sense of relief overshadowing any feeling of achievement in that moment.

In between the lines (and the 400+ photographs) I now see the incredible talent of the designers and editor who created a beautiful layout from the huge number of files I sent to the publishers inboxes. I see the generosity of the books contributors and supporters, the teachers who passed on their weaving skills and the friends, family and colleagues who encouraged and supported me along the way. The acknowledgements on the back page was by far the easiest part of the book to write and I could probably have written another 50,000 words on that. (And yes, I’m sorry for everyone that I missed out!)

So, here it is. A hardback book about contemporary krokbragd weaving, with my name and designs on the cover. It’s quite surreal and I’ve a new level of respect and admiration for anyone who has ever written a book before, and I’m in complete awe of those who do it for a living.

KROKBRAGD – CONTEMPORARY WEAVING WITH COLOUR has been on sale to pre-order from November 2024 and is now available for next day dispactch from my online shop. All the details are here.

And for those who ask if it’s something I’d do again? I think I have some weaving to be getting on with for now…